
Using Form 1023-EZ to Apply for 501(c)(3) Exempt StatusJune 03, 2019
Question: I know there is a relatively new and simplified Form 1023, called Form 1023-EZ, to use in applying to the IRS for 501(c)(3) exempt status. It requires assets less than $250,000, and forecasted revenue less than $50,000 for the current…

New Changes to IRS Form 1023-EZ Now in EffectFebruary 08, 2018
The IRS recently rolled out a few minor changes to its Form 1023-EZ, an abbreviated version of Form 1023 that allows smaller nonprofits to apply for recognition of tax-exempt status more quickly and cost effectively. For a discussion of the…

More Good News for the Nonprofit CommunityFebruary 22, 2017
The IRS announced today that publicly available information from approved Form 1023-EZ, Streamlined Application for Recognition of Exemption filings, is now available online for the first time.
The data on is available in spreadsheet…