
Commonly Asked Questions About the Federal Trade Commission’s Non-Compete BanJune 24, 2024
On April 23, 2024, the Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) published its Final Non-Compete Clause Rule (“Final Rule”), which bans post-employment non-compete clauses between employers and their workers. Absent judicial intervention—a…

The Subtleties of Verbal and Body Language — Three Takeaway Tips from “You Can Read Anyone” by David J. LiebermanJuly 26, 2022
As a nonprofit leader or small business owner, you are interacting with people on a regular basis in a variety of different settings. Knowing how to “read people” is a special skill learned through years of experience and interaction with…

Best Practices for Engaging New EmployeesMarch 12, 2021
Small business owners should never underestimate the value of loyal, talented, and hard-working employees, nor should they ever underestimate the tangible and intangible costs of employee turnover. I previously wrote about the steps small business…

Three Important Things to Know About the Second Round of Paycheck Protection Program Loan FundingJanuary 05, 2021
At the end of 2020, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 was passed to provide additional COVID-19 financial relief to the small business and nonprofit community, including a second round of Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding (PPP…

Employee or Independent Contractor?May 15, 2020
The legal distinction between an employee and an independent contractor has confused and frustrated business owners, attorneys, and accountants for many years. The purpose of this article is to provide some guidance for business owners and explain…

Fifteen Things To Do When You Decide to Hire Your First EmployeeNovember 07, 2019
Your efforts as a “solopreneur” are paying off and you are looking to hire your first employee to help manage the growth of your business. While not an exhaustive treatise on all conceivable laws and regulations that govern the employment…

Steps a Business Owner Should Take When a Key Employee Jumps Ship for a CompetitorSeptember 11, 2019
Having key employees sign written Noncompete Agreements does little to protect an business owner unless the owner is prepared to take action to enforce the company’s rights. Employers should treat departing employees with noncompetes in a…

Employee Use of Company ResourcesJune 28, 2019
Small business owners should have written policies concerning employees’ use of company computers, emails, and telephones. Federal and state law give employers quite a bit of flexibility when it comes to monitoring employee emails and phone…

Tales from the TrenchesApril 22, 2019
Working daily with small business owners and entrepreneurs (aside from being a small business owner myself) gives one a special look inside the ups and downs of small business ownership. In recent conversations with clients and colleagues, two…

Be Careful Not to Convert Your Nonprofit Volunteers into EmployeesNovember 18, 2016
Nonprofit organizations often struggle recruiting and retaining volunteers, and they try valiantly to come up with creative ways to recognize and reward those individuals who generously contribute their time and talent to the organization. …