
#RVABizLaw Tip of the Day: A Dilemma Every Multi-Owner Startup Business Faces
February 07, 2019

A dilemma facing every startup business with more than one owner—how to divide up initial ownership equity?  Bottom line is that there’s no simple answer.  Every situation should be addressed on its own facts and circumstances, but here…

#RVABizLaw Tip of the Day: Does Your Small Business Have a Social Media Policy? 
January 28, 2019

Does Your Small Business Have a Social Media Policy?  This type of policy—offering guidance to your employees on what your expectations and requirements are concerning social media communications and related activity that affect your business--can…

#RVABizLaw Tip of the Day: Take Advantage of the Business Travel Deduction 
January 21, 2019

Are you taking full advantage of the business travel deduction?  As a small business owner, you are entitled to a tax deduction for gas and auto expenses when using a car for business purposes.  You can do this one of two ways:  (i) deduct…

Great Events for RVA Small Biz and Franchise Community Coming Soon!!
September 27, 2018

November looks to be an exciting month for RVA entrepreneurs and small business owners. First, the Virginia Franchise Forum returns for its 11th annual year-end event featuring FRANdata's annual review and 2019 franchising forecast. A panel…

#RVABizLaw Tip of the Day: Be Careful Not to Convert Your Nonprofit Volunteers into Employees
August 01, 2018

Our nonprofit struggles to recruit and retain volunteers to help with our community events and activities, can we offer financial incentives or other "perks" as a recruiting tool? Reimbursing reasonable out-of-pocket…

Trace RX, Inc. Wins 2018 SCOREcard Business Pitch Competition
June 07, 2018

Congratulations to TraceRx, Inc. and its founder Matthew Rosen on winning the 2018 SCOREcard Business Pitch contest and $5,000 top prize.  Trace RX is focused on providing tracking and traceability solutions to organizations that provide international…

Perkins Law Celebrates National Small Business Week!
May 01, 2018

The Perkins Law Team salutes small business owners and entrepreneurs -- the driving force in our economy today. According to the Small Business Administration, there are nearly 30 million small businesses in the United States employing…

#RVABizLaw Tip of the Day: Using a Letter of Intent to Jumpstart a Small Business Acquisition Deal
April 27, 2018

Buying or selling a small business is a process.  Before investing the time and expense of drafting a full-blown acquisition agreement, parties will often prepare a preliminary document, typically referred to as a letter of intent (also referred…